Golden Sheaf Industries Pvt. Ltd. (GSI) is a company registered under Indian Company Act 1956, specialized in organic inoculation of Agarwood trees for years with guaranteed results from six months onwards. We have our own Agarwood Plantations located in many places in Nagaland. Our base farm is in Akuhaiqa village, Wokha district, Nagaland, which is also an Agarwood Tourist Village.
The primary vision of the company is the global promotion of agarwood. We are dedicated in promoting the cultivation and sustaining the production of agarwood and its various product forms by giving timely and proper support and guidance to farmers around the world. Highly sophisticated research in agarwood are conducted by our scientists to find out the different uses.
• Supply of genetically traced high-quality seedling.
We provide Acquilaria Malaccensis species from our Plant nursery. It is the major source of agarwood, a resinous hardwood, used for perfume and incense. It is readily available in Bangaladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mynmar, Philippines, and Thialand.

• Guidance for Land Preparation, Planting etc.
It is essential to carefully assess the ecological conditions to assess whether a potential species will survive and grow. Our technical staff will visit your plantation site for inspection of Soil condition/colour/moisture level/temperature, availability of water, water logging & drainage system, and for the presence of other plants/crops etc.

• Artificial inoculation / Fungal treatment.
The formation of agarwood is a result of the plant’s defence mechanism against fungal attacks by producing resinous compounds. In the natural habitat this process can take many years. Artificial innoculation techniques have been found to be the most effective and reliable method for enhancement of agarwood production. The whole innoculation process is handled by our technical team.

• Buy-back of wood / Marketing support.
At the time of innoculation a customer is free to request GSI for a buy-back agreement, by which customer will have the assurance that GSI will buy the tree at the time of harvesting. Prices are decided after harvesting and the prevailing market price. If the Customer wishes, GSI will also mediate to sell the harvest overseas.

And other services including:
• Production of different items, Processing and Value addition Consultancy, Site visits and various support in all stages from planting to harvesting.
• Support in solving the ecological and economical issues raised while cultivating Agarwood.